Heather Ernsberger
Heather Ernsberger
I’m joining the team this year, partnering with Denise at the Information Booth. We’re here to help answer your questions and guide your way around Grand Rapids. We strive to make your Marathon experience the best it can be.
I’ve been a consistent runner since college. I have run several 5Ks and 10Ks, but prefer to run for fun and stress relief. Training for the Grand Rapids Half Marathon in 2010 was my introduction to long-distance running. Since then, I’ve run the Grand Rapids 10-Mile Bridge Run, the Hot Chocolate 15K in Chicago, and this year added the Gazelle Girl Half Marathon and the Fifth Third River Bank Run 25K to my repertoire. I’ve been a member of Mars Hill Running Group since 2010 and helped support the marathon as an aid station captain for the last two years. Although I’ve never competed in a triathlon, I enjoy multi-sport training and am a die-hard yogi. Summer is my favorite season, especially when I can run along a beach. I’m a pie-maker, I love dark chocolate and good coffee, and in the winter, you’re likely to find me knitting, especially near a cozy fireplace.
Here’s a link to my friend’s blog, where you can read a little more of my story.