Erika Chapman
Erika Chapman
I started helping the marathon staff in 2008 with various odd jobs the day before and on race day. In 2011, I officially joined the staff to help out with post-race food. After all, having a nice treat after a long workout is one of the main reasons I run!
If you would have asked me more than a few years ago to run any distance, I would probably have made a bad face. It wasn’t until about six years ago that a cute boy convinced me to run and I actually started to enjoy it! Since then I have completed dozens of half marathons, numerous 25Ks, a hand full of triathlons, and a sprinkle of full marathons.
Aside from being a staff member of the GRM, I also volunteer throughout Michigan with National Ski Patrol, and I am happily employed at Mary Free Bed as an Occupational Therapist. I’ll be hanging around before and after the race, celebrating everyone’s victory as they cross the finish line. If you see me come say hi, tell me how you like the food, and make requests if you would like! Just look for a girl with curly dark brown hair in a staff jacket!