
I don’t believe in the wall

On Sunday, I ran the Med City Marathon in Rochester, Minnesota, a really cool milestone for me –my 250th marathon.
On the back of a girl’s shirt I saw something that got me thinking: 
                 I DON’T BELIEVE IN THE WALL
I thought about it a lot. About how the things we believe in govern our actions and what we even think is possible. Belief systems vary widely–Christians pray and things happen. So do Jews. And Moslems. People stick pins in Voodoo dolls. Stuff happens. 
Belief is a strong thing. It tells us what is possible. Refusing to believe in things can be powerful too.
So I like the idea, of not believing in the wall. Of not believing that running 26 miles is impossible. Don’t believe in any limitations. Like Captain Jean Luc Piccard says, “Things are only impossible until they’re not!” Refuse to believe in the “impossible.”
Something To Believe In
OK, we talked about what not to believe in. Now, here’s something to believe in. 
It’s you. That really cool person who operates in life without limitations. Who makes things happen. Who cares about other people. 
That’s what I have to say about that. Sorry about ending so many sentences with prepositions.  
See you at the finish line.
and the adventure continues….

Don Kern (Read more here.)